Dr. Adam Barsoum
Dr. Adam Barsoum completed his bachelors of dental medicine in 2012. After which he moved to Boston and graduated magna cum laude from Boston University in 2015 and worked in Private Practice. He returned to specialize and completed a 2 year residency at New York University in Dental Implants and Prosthetics in 2018, in 2020 he completed a fellowship at New York University and is now an Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor at New York University in the Ashman Department of Implants and Periodontics.
Dr. Adam Barsoum is a diplomate of the American Board of Oral Implantology and a diplomate of the International Congress of Oral Implantology. When he is not working in private practice he is working on various research topics or presenting in national and international dental conferences.
Apart from his profession, he is an avid hiker and spends his time exploring much of what this beautiful planet has to offer us, or is building something in his backyard.
Scientific Publications:
Article: Implant Placement Lateral to Inferior Alveolar Nerve (ILIAN) – A Retrospective Study of a Treatment Option for Severely Atrophic Posterior Mandibular Ridges – The International Journal of Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry (2020)
Article: Spontaneous Sequestration of Bisphosphonate Related Oro-Antral Fistula: A Case Report – Journal of Oral Biology (2020)
Article: Accuracy of Cone Beam Computed Tomography vs. Periapical Radiography Measurements When Planning Placement of Implants in the Posterior Maxilla: A Retrospective Study – Compendium (2020)
Article: Alternative Treatment Option for Atrophic Ridges – Custom Alveolar Ridge Splitting Technique – Journal of Interdisciplinary Clinical Dentistry (2022)
Textbook Chapter: Implant Complications, Co-Author, Newman and Carranza Clinical Periodontology 14th Edition
Oral and Poster Presentations:
3D implant positioning: An innovative tool (Oral Presentation) - Academy of Osseointegration – 2021
3D implant positioning: An innovative tool (Poster presentation) NYU Research Day - New York 2020
Discrepancy in PA and CBCT in Posterior Edentulous Ridges (Poster presentation) - Academy of Osseointegration - California 2020
Discrepancy in PA and CBCT in Posterior Edentulous Ridges (Oral presentation) - North Eastern Implant Symposium - New York 2019
Discrepancy in PA and CBCT in Posterior Edentulous Ridges (Poster presentation) - International Congress of Oral Implantologists – New York 2019
Discrepancy in PA and CBCT in Posterior Edentulous Ridges (Poster presentation) - Greater New York Dental Meeting - New York 2019
Discrepancy in PA and CBCT in Posterior Edentulous Ridges (Poster presentation) - European Association for Osseointegration - Lisbon 2019
Clinical Advantages of Osteotomy through the Remaining Root in Mandibular Premolar Region (Poster presentation) How to Manage Cases Referred From Previous Dentists in Implant Dentistry (Poster presentation) - NYU Research Day - New York 2019
Clinical Significance of Bicortication in Posterior Maxilla Implants with Crestal Approach - 10 Case Series (Poster Presentation) - International Congress of Oral Implantologists - Costa Rica 2018